Saturday, November 08, 2008 Fair to Middlin' So Far

I've been spending time on Obama's new site,, because I like how he transitioned from candidate to Pres-elect using social media. My hope is that he will continue to use the techniques in office that helped him to get there.

So far, the blog is really just a means for posting press releases. That's a bit disappointing. When I was at Unity08, the most amazing part of the movement was the ability for Americans to log in and engage each other about the issues and the possible solutions we could enact to resolve them. I truly hope that Obama keeps the people involved in the process.

I realize that the issues are complicated, but we're inspired. That inspiration means that we are willing to pay attention and learn as much as we can about the issues so that we can make an informed decision on how best to resolve them.

The site is also accepting applications for jobs... very interesting. When I was in DC someone told me once that some unfathomable number of jobs are turned-over/created when a new president enters office. So, I really like that Obama is getting a head start and opening up the administration to as many job applicants as he can. Not sure what the vetting process will be like because it is going to be massive. But hopefully, the best candidates for the available positions will be selected.

To follow the process, I submitted an application. Hey, who knows, Obama might want an online marketing machine here in the middle of the country! Here is their auto-response:
Hello Robert,

Thank you for your interest in joining the Obama-Biden Administration. Within a few days, you will receive an email with a link to the more complete on-line application. Please be patient, as we are trying to respond promptly to the large number of people who are interested in working in the Administration.
You might be able to draw some parallels to what Nike has done. Their EKIN program launches experts into the field to evangelize their products to those that use them. It is this distributed network that is a such a boon to the brand... the EKINs have a real cache about them. Obama could possibly do the same by building teams of expert individuals in regions and cities (just like campaigning) that proactively and reactively engage Americans about America.

That would definitely be Change, eh?

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