The most wonderful aspect of the evening was not what you might think. The food was incredible, the atmosphere was light, the conversation was sometimes silly and other times sincere... I got caught up with one friend that I hadn't seen for eight years and made a new friend that I should've met long ago.
The best part about the evening was that no one--and I mean no one--had a glance at their cellphones the entire evening.
Not a one of us set our phone out on the dinner table, yanked it out of our pockets for a quick check or left the room to make a call. We all stayed in the moment, focused on the people and the conversation that were in front of us. We didn't allow distraction from the rest of the world to fragment our conversation or take us away from the experience of the evening.
If you're going to hang out, then hang out.
We need to get back to this type of behavior. I've had a sense of pride about being able to multi-task; worn like a badge of honor to show that I can text, tweet and write an email while sitting in a meeting about an entirely different topic. But, my recent readings have made me realize that when I'm doing so many things at once, then I'm not giving any of them my full attention... and each act deserves my full attention.
I owe it to myself to be my best in whatever I'm being.
When I'm doing ten things, they get done with satisfactory results. But when I do one thing, it gets done with excellence.
Read more bigBADbobisms.
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