Friday, June 26, 2009

Guest post on "Enterprise Adventure"

A note to my friends, which they posted on their blog:

G is for a GOOD damn time (as always)!
L is for the disappearing LANDBRIDGE than nearly caused a troublesome dinghy departure from the face of Reid Glacier (the speed of tide changes is unreal).
A is for the beauty of ALASKA (though we didn’t see Russia).
C is for the drama of Marjorie CALVING (I will never be able to do her justice with words).
I is for the bergy bit of ICE that we netted and used in the Blue Margaritas.
E is for EVERYTHING that y’all do for me (thank you).
R is for the RISING sun that never stops lighting the sky at this time of the year.

B is for the BLACK BEAR that we only saw because Darce delayed our departure from Sandy Cove while gabbing with the neighbors (it’s also for the huge ‘BUT that I caught).
A is for Bob and I MacGuyvering on a bunged-up ANCHOR wench.
Y is for the YACHT… oops, I mean “boat” called Enterprise. May all of her travels remain safe and as entertaining as the moments that I—many past and many more to come—have shared within her confines.

May she lead us often to our dream of spending time in amazing places with loved family and amazing friends.

Thank you!

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