Monday, December 21, 2009

Book #50: Into the Wild

Book #50: Into the Wild, by John Krakauer, 3/5 Stars

In a rare occurrence, I preferred the movie much, much more than the book. Of course, I was rocked right away when the beginning of it tells you of the end (after I'd told my Mom that the book was a close approximation of how I've felt life should be lived). However, the book is about more than this journey of a couple of years that Chris took, it is more about the calling that humans feel to be nomadic and exploratory. On this merit, and with kindred spirit, I enjoyed the reading... and will always continue on the path that I've chosen in this life. Good journey!

Currently reading:
Book #51 = "The Autumn People," a series of comic strips done many years ago by the talented Ray Bradbury.

Book #52 = MY BOOK... picked up the latest version from the printer today.

Click here to see Books 1-49.