Friday, December 04, 2009

SonnysidePop: Beast to Garlic

Gonna start a new blog tag called SonnysidePop. Its purpose to post the results of this game that

homemade garic oilImage by elana's pantry via Flickr

my Pops and I have always played (and the reason why I truly believe I have such a random, and sometimes funny, way with words) where we take whatever one has said to the other and let our mind go somewhere else, related, often thought-provoking or requiring much consternation about the long-lost pathway back to a time, place, movie, or song that we know the other should know.

I hope you enjoy the ride...

Pop: "Spoken like the beast that you are."
Son: "You can't tell the church by the size of its steeple."
Pop: "Here is the church and here is the steeple. Quote the Pastor?"
Son: "The well-hidden Pasto Newgate Phillips, secret foe of the Changing Season."
Pop: "Beware of the coming of the Anti-pasto."
Son: "'Cause garlic sticks to kids."
Pop: "Garlic Band-Aids."
Son: "Stick 'n lick. Wards off evil (and cooties). A necessity for an Italian emergency."

The connections...
1. A beast is large, as is a steeple, yet you can't know what's inside of either (Beauty and the Beast).
2. Pastor Newgate Phillips spoke of the "Autumn People" in Something Wicked this Way Comes. I also recently asked Pops if he could find the out-of-print comic book that Bradbury wrote by the title Autumn People.
3. The spelling error prompted a food reference.
4. "Pasto" made me think of "pesto," i.e. garlic & a play on a movie quote from one of my favorites of all time, An Officer and a Gentleman.
5. "I am stuck on Band-Aid, 'cause Band-Aid's stuck on me!"
6. Too many vampire shows out right now, I'd like some garlic to ward them off.