Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sunrise Recline

Strength drawn from serenity

Forgotten ReclinerImage by mfajardo via Flickr

There was once a time
Beat-up old recliners
In the middle of a busy road
While the world slept
One for me
One for a friend
Two seats for a sold-out show

From over the Madonna
Rose the sun
Two yellow lines on the road
Divided right from wrong
Led to the light of day
The idea that what I wanted to be
Just wasn’t meant for me
Though golden hair splayed comfortably
Mere seconds from the stage

Tired from millions of miles
Warmth rested on my face
I closed my eyes
To ask for passage on the return trip
But got no ticket

We know the show must go on

Our foundation of perseverance
Lives above
To give energy
And purpose
Born each day
Into what’s next.
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