Sunday, March 06, 2011

Lonely Man's Spot?

Standing in the kitchen waiting for my tea to steep Saturday morning a phrase entered my head, "careless in the face of opportunity." That phrase prompted the origin of the following poem reflecting the state of two people: one holding onto a dream that's never been shared with the other, and this same "other" who hasn't ever recognized (or acknowledged) the dream.

eclipsed moon floodImage by ecstaticist via FlickrSoul gets high
Promise in verbs.
World between
She said, he heard.

Never to be
Bored when free.

Right of way

In the lee.

Many routes
Selection none.
Somewhere lives
The right one.

Fire's slight.
Liquid's might.

Head full of...
Needs this night.

Silent moods
Never to see
Ticking unto
Time of we.

Abandoned clench
This one dream

Lonely man's spot

Naked moonbeam.

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