Saturday, December 10, 2005

In My Dreams

Do you have those nights where you dream about a woman that isn't a part of your life anymore? Well, sometimes I dream about one that I don't even know. Last night I dreamt about one that I really, really had a good day with a few months ago. Unfortunately, we never got together again after that... for a reason that only she knows.

This woman, I will leave her nameless, I met on MySpace. She is a total physical fit for me... so incredibly cute and fun. We spent the day watching football, cheering for both of our fantasy teams, throwing darts, bowling, generally smiling at each other and flirting with affection. Anyhow, enough of that story since she didn't end up being as into exploring me as I was into learning about her... I'll recount that another time.

So, last night's dream found me on vacation and staying at a hotel on the beach. I had run into a group of fun, social women who'd asked me to hang with them. We all had lounge chairs by the pool when one of them said, "You know *nameless?* Well, she's with us."

I immediately looked at her and saw that she was laying in her chaise, sipping a fruity cocktail, sunglassed, and trying very much to not notice me looking at her.

Her friend continued, "Her boyfriend is here. In fact, he owns the hotel, but he just got out of prison. So, I'd watch yourself if I was you."

"Why?" I asked.

"He's got an over-active jealously that manifests itself with aggression. We've been trying to get her away from him for a long time."

"Great," I'm thinking. "Another quest for my super hero complex."

Over the course of the afternoon, I eventually put myself in a place to ask *nameless* about her life. But, the conversation lasted only until her boyfriend's friends began a verbal assault on me.

The pool was about to close, but her friends were in no way required to leave since they were with the hotel owner. But, I decided it was a good idea to collect my things and move on. Unfortunately, I had to walk through them to get to the exit. A few of his friends decided to make sure that I knew *nameless* was off limits. "Thanks for the advice," I replied and left.

"As I was leaving the pool, a friend of hers caught up to me and said, "She wants to see you. Come with me."

She led me to *nameless* in the women's restroom. *Nameless* came up very close to me and simply said, "I miss you and I'm sorry. I don't know what to do."

And, before she went on and on about her life, I leaned in and placed my lips on hers showing her that a kiss was available, but the depth of it was hers to decide. After a moment's surprise, she kissed back with gradually more pressure until we ended one long, caring kiss.

I turned to find her friend smiling from ear to ear.

And then, I woke up.

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