Tuesday, January 27, 2009

State of Mind: Exhilaration!

Well kids, here goes nuttin!'

I've just sent off my essay, "Inauguration of an Apolitical," to several entities for their consideration:
  • Washington Monthly
  • The Washingtonian
  • The Sun
  • And many, many influential others that may be able to help me crack my publishing virginity.
I'm rather amazed at the 20th Century technophobia of the publishing world... SASEs? Really? This tech-marketing-gone-writer guy doesn't even own any stamps. Correct that, didn't even own any stamps.

Anyhow, fingers crossed! Though I started kinda big for this round, I'm balancing that by now focusing on some different ideas for smaller periodicals: quips, columns and whatnot.

I'll get back to my BOOK tomorrow, just as soon as I wrap up this task!

Can I get a "WOOT! WOOT!"


Anonymous said...


for the Cubbies.....

DJ Mumbo

Anonymous said...

I'd suggest a 'snippet' of the article you submitted - certainly curious as to the premise.

Suggestions for next article: Feel free to read some of my 'notes' at: http://sites.google.com/site/blogsanduploads/

Robert Zamees said...

As suggested, an excerpt:

"In this town, where the one business was politics and our politicians had decided to represent themselves instead of their constituency, respect had deteriorated to such an extent that even our tributes to greatness were unkempt. The power from Lincoln comes partly from the suspension of disbelief; at any moment Honest Abe just might get up from his chair and give us a few words about our ways; commending us or lecturing us harshly. I was appalled that Lincoln had become a victim of our lethargy. First, I noticed the cobwebs that latched his right boot to his pedestal. I next noticed those entwined in his fingers handcuffing him to his armrests. And finally, I noticed those that pulled his head down toward his left shoulder, fixing it to the back of his chair. Lincoln was no longer the proud figure of our past. His face had changed, he’d given up fighting the spiders that came at him from every direction; they’d imprisoned his physical nature and dampened his spirit. Even if he wanted to get up to lecture us, he would not have been able to do so."