Thursday, September 11, 2008

Empty Tank Alert: You have .28 miles left

I'm beat. I've been saying it all week because it's true. It's a physical and an emotional beating. Physically, I'm tired of driving all over town on all these dates or meetings... I've stopped calling them dates because there doesn't even seem to be much pre-qualification associated with them anymore.

Can you type in complete sentences? Sure, let's meet. I've even been ignoring the typical spelling and grammar errors that drive me nuts.

Emotionally, sifting through all the emails from and Craigslist, plus keeping all of my inquisitive friends in the loop, just gets tiring. It's also tiring to not see a great match in all of the traffic that I've generated this week with the "TailDating" thing.

The tank needs wine (said in your best "The Donger need food" voice).

I'm trying to remember all the crazy things that I've seen this week:
  • If you're approaching 50 and send me a photo of your 21 year old son throwing up gang signs, I'm not interested on several fronts no matter how nice you seem.
  • If you send me a photo with a cig dangling from your lips, I'm not interested.
  • If you live more than 30 minutes away (by car), I'm not interested even though seeing how you TailDate college-style might be fun.
  • If you just want to "date" with no cares in the world or no discussion of a future, then I'm not interested.
  • I've you've got 10 cats, I'm not interested.
  • If your email address has "dirty" in it, then I'm not interested.
  • If you refer to yourself as a "princess," then I'm not interested.
If you qualify for any of the above, then please reread the "things I want."

Going to happy hour and having wine now... and yes, I'm taking a book and I'm going to read it in the middle of the bar no matter how crowded it is. Refill. Recharge.

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